Time to Get Frugl!

Frugl is a website & app that gets Londoners to all the best happenings and events costing £10 and under. But it’s a lot more than that.

For event promoters and those who own bars, restaurants, hair salons, or anything that has a ‘time slot ‘(from an hour to a day) it’s a super smart way to use up empty capacity and keep money coming in.

With over 40% of tickets each day going unsold and at least 10% of restaurant seats empty, Frugl helps you even up the balance sheet by connecting you with customers who are ready to go out and mingle.

We make it super easy for you to list and be seen across mobile and web in a matter of minutes. You decide how much or little you have available to sell and we do the rest!

Time to Get Frugl

List your events / offers with Frugl (FREE one are always FREE with Frugl)

Use our Frugl’s management area as hub for all your event/offer activity.

Promote your listings with Frugl’s partnerships and our commitment to making sure you get the most exposure possible